Saturday, July 2, 2011

Healthy Meals

French Toast with Fruits

We learn how to cook french toast with fruits. It was delicious and healthy because it contains egg and milk. Egg are a good source of protein and besides that, it is energy dense. While milk, has calcium which is essential for child growth to build strong bones and teeth. It is also easy to cook in just 4 simple steps .

Chicken porridge

On the same day, we cook chicken porridge. First, we boil the chicken thigh with 650ml of water to make the flavour of the porridge. It was easy to make this porridge and the steps are not complicated at all. Then, we boil the the rice in the chicken stock. When the rice has become soft and has become porridge, season it with salt and pepper. Then we serve in a bowl with shredded chicken and garnish with youtiao.

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