Saturday, July 2, 2011

Chicken Curry Pratical

We prepared curry chicken using different types of milk. It was to determine what are the effects of using different types of milk on the taste and texture of chicken Curry. There were four types of milk- Coconut, Full Cream, Low Fat and Skim fat.


Coconut Milk
It taste sweet and milky. It's appearance was also thicker, smooth, creamy and the most appetising.

Full Cream Milk
It tasted salty and the appearance was lumpy.

Low Fat Milk
It was bland and its' appearance was watery, fluid and thin.

Skim Fat Milk
It tasted salty and the appearance was lumpy.

Overall, from the result shown above coconut milk has the best taste and flavour. Through this practical, we learn a lot of things. Different kind of milk does effect the appearance and taste of the chicken curry. We should also know when we are deciding to use what kind of milk, we have to consider the kind of person we are serving it to. If it's a obese person, the chicken curry should be served with skimmed milk because skimmed milk has the lowest amount fats and is more healthy for obese person. For those elderly, we shouldn't serve them with so much fat milk because it is unhealthy and they are less active. For the more active kids, they can take coconut milk because they are active and thus will get rid of the fats easily.Yogurts can also be used to replace the coconut milk.

Main course plating & presentation

potatoes Gratin mixed with sesame-crusted chicken

Pictures Credits to mrs quek

I remembered this was a two-week course. During the first week of 3 periods, we were taught basic techniques. Like slicing, dicing and even how to polish the knifes. We were also taught how to garnish for example, strawberry. The following week, we learn to cook 2 dishes. They were potato gratin and sesame-crusted chicken.

Potato Gratin

First we have to peel the potatoes and cut into even, thin slices.I did not have much problems with it except for the peeling part. Mrs quek had to teach me how to peel. (joke) Then, we season the potatoes with salt, pepper and nutmeg. We were told to place a single layer of potatoes into the well-greased pan which was done was us, and sprinkle on a thin layer of cheese. We continue to do these for the next few layers until all the potatoes & 3/4 of the cheese were used. Our pace was quite slow and all the teachers hurried us. After that, we heat the cream and milk to a simmer . Whisk the egg yolk in a bowl, then gradually add the hot cream/milk. Afterwards, we pour in on top of the potatoes and top with the remaining cheese. Finally, we bake uncovered at a Pre-heated oven of 180 degree Celsius until all the potatoes are tender and cheese turns golden brown. approx for 30 mins.

While waiting for it to be cooked, we carried on with the next dish-sesame crusted chicken.

Sesame Crusted Chicken

They taught us how to lightly pound the chicken pieces with the back of the knife gently to an even thickness. We season it with chili & fennel powder, salt & pepper. We did these in twos', so my partner was dipping and seasoning the chicken into the beaten egg whites while i pressed into the pistachio-cereal mixture to coat completely and evenly. Then we were separated. I went to heat oil in skillet and with medium fire, pan -fry crusted chicken fillets , 5 minutes on each sides until golden brown. It was hard because the oil keep poping out of the pan and it was pain.(a bit)

During these two weeks course, i really learned a lot from it. I learn a lot of new techniques and few thing to take note of. For example, try not to bend when you are cutting vegetables, etc. It was a fun and memorable lesson with the chef outside the school. They taught us a lot of things we didn't knew. After finishing our 2nd dish, we couldn't make the sauce because there was not enough time and so we skipped it. We garnish and design our dish quickly and bid farewell to our chef and headed for our next lesson.

Healthy Meals

French Toast with Fruits

We learn how to cook french toast with fruits. It was delicious and healthy because it contains egg and milk. Egg are a good source of protein and besides that, it is energy dense. While milk, has calcium which is essential for child growth to build strong bones and teeth. It is also easy to cook in just 4 simple steps .

Chicken porridge

On the same day, we cook chicken porridge. First, we boil the chicken thigh with 650ml of water to make the flavour of the porridge. It was easy to make this porridge and the steps are not complicated at all. Then, we boil the the rice in the chicken stock. When the rice has become soft and has become porridge, season it with salt and pepper. Then we serve in a bowl with shredded chicken and garnish with youtiao.